Independent Living & CARE Loans
CARE Chest provides assistive technology and helps individuals make modifications to their home and vehicle for accessibility and independence.
The Independent Living philosophy says that every person, regardless of disability, has the potential and the right to exercise individual self-determination. Self-Determination refers to a characteristic of a person that leads them to make choices and decisions based on their own preferences and interests, to monitor and regulate their own actions, and to be goal-oriented and self-directing.
CARE Chest also administers a low-cost loan program to fund similar projects. Both programs serve the entire state of Nevada.
Independent Living
CARE Chest’s Assistive Living for Independent Living program helps provide assistive technology to make modifications to consumers’ homes or vehicles to increase accessibility and independence. Depending on the situation and service required, there may be a waiting period associated.
This program is available throughout the State of Nevada to residents who qualify.
CARE Loans
CARE Loans help consumers with permanent disabilities finance and purchase assistive technology to increase their quality of life. Examples include vehicle modifications, breathing assistive devices, hearing aids, learning, vision, mobility, speech devices, and many others… yes, even training for a service dog!
Loans are offered at very competitive rates and are available statewide.